Texture and bump mapping files

2DBUMP.ZIP 2d bump mapping
2DBUMP2.ZIP Experiments in 2D Phong Bump-Mapping
2DBUMP3.ZIP 2D bump mapping
3DTUNNEL.ZIP 3D texture tunnel (asm/c source)
AASTXMAP.ZIP Another TextureMapping Source ... (basic source)
BUMP.ZIP A Fast Approach at Real-Time Phong Bump Mapping
ENVMAP.ZIP Enviroment Mapping Tutorial
FASTTEX.ZIP Fast affine texture mapping THis document tries to describe how to make fast affine texture mapping. The document describes both the general structure as well as the more critical parts such as inner loops. The information is aimed at both beginners and also at people who maybe already have a working texture mapper but are looking for more speed. The goal was to make a good document that would be useful today, not already be obsolete. So I'm giving you the best information
FATMAP.ZIP Fast affine texture mapping
FATMAP2.ZIP Fast Affine Texture Mapping II Document + source (Watcom C/C++) + executable (need DOS4GW) - Subpixel & subtexel accuracy - Convex polygons - Flat & Gouraud filler - 256x256 texture mapper - Arbitrary size texture mapper - Tiled texture mapper - Sutherland-Hodgman clipping
HECKER.ZIP Perspective Texture Mapper
KARMADOC.ZIP More about shading, z-buffer, and textures
KS_SP.ZIP Fast sphere texture map by Keith Sibson.
LANSD.ZIP Texture Mapping and Resampling for Computer Graphics a master's thesis rapport in Postscript format. The thesis is an in-depth examination of the entire texture mapping process, starting with simple introductory concepts and ending with a discussion of new state-of-the-art texture filtering algorithms developed during the course of this thesis research work.
MIPAP.ZIP Texture Potential Mapping
NTS_PERS.ZIP TXT-file about FAST & realtime 3D texture mapping
PCTEXMAP.ZIP Adventures In Texture Space
PERSPTEX.ZIP Perspective texture mapping demo for Windows 95. Shows how to draw a texture mapped polygon without distortion. Also draws affine (linear) polygons to highlight the difference. DELPHI 2.0 SOURCE CODE INCLUDED (translated from my C code). Capable of 24 bit rendering.
PERTEX.ZIP Texture Mapping Polygons in Perspective
README.ZIP John McCarthy's Constant Slope Texture Mapping
RUBBER.ZIP Source in C for a rubber effect, with texturemapping
SPEEDY.ZIP Speedy free direction texture mapping and other nifty tricks
SPHERES.ZIP Texturing, Bumpmapping of Spheres in Realtime
TEXASM.ZIP Polygonfiller for Texturemapped polygons Draws a Texture-mapped polygon in Tweakedmode (320x200)
TEXMAP.ZIP Texturemapping source (C++)
TEXT_ENG.ZIP Texturemapping examples in C
TEXTMAP.ZIP My idea of texture mapping mapping a 2d bitmap to a 3d parallellogram
TEXTURE.ZIP Polygonfiller for Texturemapped polygons
TEXTURE_.ZIP Member of the internet link exchange adventures in texture space
TMAP.ZIP WGT Graphics Tutorial #3 Topic: Texture Mapped Polygons